Sunday, May 11, 2014

Caramel & Coconut Sugar Scrub

We live in a quiet cul-de-sac in what I can only assume was meant to be and started out as a retirement community.  But over the past few years more and more young families are moving in.  My street however still consists of only retirees.  Now you would think my kids would be devastated to not have any other kids to play with, but its not that way at all.  Our neighbors have all become like grandparents to my kids.  There are many days when I can look out and see my little boy's bike and helmet parked at one of our neighbors houses, knowing he is inside visiting.  Sometimes he's up at Grandpa F's house playing Lego's or learning about what he planted in the garden and sometimes he is across the street at B & B's house learning about rocks and trying to be patient waiting for the rock tumbler to be finished (which apparently takes a very long time, like several weeks), but most of the time he is happily taking treats around to them (when I bake we give most of it away).
We try to do a little extra around each holiday to show our wonderful neighbors how much we love them.  So today on Mother's Day, we made sugar scrub and my kids lovingly delivered them to our neighbors.  We love our neighbors all so much and I am truly grateful my kids have a safe place to be.

Caramel and Coconut Sugar Scrub
3 c Granulated Sugar
1/2 c Coconut Oil, room temperature
1 tsp caramel extract

Stir all your ingredients in a bowl until well mixed.  (It should feel a like damp sand, if its too dry add a little bit more coconut oil)  Put into glass jars. (This is enough to fill 10 of these small Jelly Jars).

I had all of the ingredients on hand, which worked out perfectly.  I had sugar, caramel extract,  coconut oil left over from when we made lip balm at Christmas, and Jelly Jars (4 oz) leftover from when we made mustard.  I absolutely love giving gifts in jars.  I sure hope all my neighbors love their sugar scrub.

This is honestly the quickest little gift to throw together at the last minute.  Just add handwritten labels and a little ribbon or raffia to decorate the lid and your all set.
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