Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tada's Goal: Week 22

Tada's Goal: The rules
1. Each week buy the items listed and store them.
2. Use a permanent marker to write the date purchased to aid in stock rotation.

3. Buy the largest quantity you can afford and store, don't go overboard and stay within your budget.
4. If you miss a week, skip it and go on. Don't get behind.
5. Replace items as you use them
6. Share good deals with your friends and family. Everyone loves discounts
7. Store properly

Week 22:  Safety Week: replace batteries, check smoke detectors, practice your fire escape routes.

This week we rounded up all of our flashlights and replaced the batteries in them.  We checked our smoke detectors and we practiced our fire escape routes for Family Home Evening.  My little girl drew this picture for us.  There are some fun family ideas and resources at 

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