Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tada's Goal: Week 12

Tada's Goal:  The rules

1. Each week buy the items listed and store them.
2. Use a permanent marker to write the date purchased to aid in stock rotation.
3. Buy the largest quantity you can afford and store, don't go overboard and stay within your budget.
4. If you miss a week, skip it and go on.  Don't get behind.
5. Replace items as you use them
6. Share good deals with your friends and family.  Everyone loves discounts
7. Store properly

Week 12:  Spices and seasonings.

These types of things don't expire for a while and usually a little goes a long way so you tend to have lots of bottles in your cupboard that can be more than a few months old.  I cook a lot so I go through some spices and seasonings a lot faster than others so i just bought what I know I will go through quickly.  Choose what you know you will use!!!

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